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All GSE Group websites are covered by French and international legislation for the copyright and intellectual property.
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GSE group owns, reserves and retains all property rights, and in particular intellectual property rights, to this site and its content, including reproduction rights. Accordingly, the partial or total reproduction of this Site or its content is strictly forbidden without GSE GROUP’S written authorisation (contact us). The same applies to translation, adaptation and/or arrangement by any means whatsoever.


Publisher : GSE
Simplified joint stock company with a capital of €86,520,366; registered with the Avignon Trade and Companies Register under number 488 862 368; individual tax identification number: VAT CEE FR 78 488 862 368.
Parc d’activités de l’aéroport
310 Allée de la Chartreuse
CS 50051
84005 Avignon Cedex 1
Tel.: +33 (0)4 90 23 74 00
Fax: +33 (0)4 90 84 01 21


Publication Director : Adeline LEVEQUE, Marketing Project Manager


Execution and host : Quai 13
1 Rue Élie Pelas
13016 Marseille


Hypertext links

The existence of a hypertext link between this site and a third-party site does not in any way imply that GSE controls the content of the third party site. The publisher cannot be held liable.




What is a cookie?

Cookies are small text files stored on your device (computer, tablet, smartphones …) when you visit a website.These tools perform an essential role in the delivery of manu services on the Internet. Among other things, they allow to gather statistics to optimize the functionnality of the website and allow you to access content tailored to your needs.


What types of cookies uses this website?

  • Technical cookies: These cookies are still active for the proper functioning of the site. These may include cookies to remember your visit to the site during a session, or play media content (cookies „flash”). The use of these purely functional cookies does not require your consent.
  • • Cookies audience measurement: These cookies are used to quantify the number of users and to measure and analyze the use of our website statistics. These analytical cookies allow us to improve the ergonomics of the site by analyzing the use of anonymous visitors. In some cases, these cookies improve the processing speed of your queries by allowing us to save your preferences for the site. The use of cookies requires your prior consent.
    This site does not use cookies for targeted advertising or cookies associated with sharing buttons on social networks.
    If you accepted via your browser settings recording cookies in your terminal, cookies embedded in the pages and contents have been read can be stored for a period of 13 months in a dedicated area of your device. They will be readable only by their issuer. Every 13 months, we renew our request for consent via the reappearance of the banner warning about the use of cookies.


How to turn off our cookies

Although most browsers accept cookies automatically, you can change the configuration of your browser to allow, block or eliminate audience measurement cookies on your computer.
Preferences regarding cookies must be defined for each browser. You have usually several cookies setting options include: allow or completely ban the cookies, delete specific cookies that have already been registered by the browser, prevent some websites send cookies to your computer, or block third-party cookies (when during your visit to a Web site, cookies are sent to your computer from another website).

  • Google Chrome:
  • Internet Explorer:
  • Mozilla Firefox:
  • Safari:
  • Opera:

For more information on cookies, you can also visit the website of the CNIL: